Tulare County Seal

Tulare County has three (3) vector control districts that cover most of the county. We may see an increase in mosquito activity this season due to the increased areas of standing water from the March 2023 flooding.

There are areas of the county that are not covered by a vector control district. Refer to each individual website for coverage area information. If your area is not covered you may need to contact a private pest control company for abatement services at your cost.

Additional information on mosquito prevention and vector control contacts

Aerial Spraying in Tulare Mosquito Abatement District Scheduled To Reduce Mosquito Numbers after Flooding in the Tulare Lake Basin. For more information please visit: https://www.tularemosquito.com/public-notice

Tratamiento Aéreo en el Distrito de Control de Mosquitos de Tulare se ha Programado Para Reducir el Número de Mosquitos después de las Inundaciones en la Zona del Lago Tulare. Para más información por favor visite el enlace: https://www.tularemosquito.com/public-notice


Treatment Area Map
Aerial Spray FAQs
Public Notice


Aviso Publico
Rociado Aereo Preguntas Frecuentes