A1: A private swimming pool is any constructed pool, permanent or portable, which is intended for non-commercial use as a swimming pool by not more than three owner families and their guests.
A2: A public swimming pool is any pool used by more than three owner families and their guests, as well as any pool used for commercial purposes. Public swimming pools include pools located in: apartments, homeowner associations, condominiums, swim clubs, public and private schools, hotels and motels, resorts, clubs, etc.
A3: A swimming pool cover may be used if it is completely removed from the swimming pool/spa area during pool hours. When the cover is in place, the pool area must be secured to prevent entry by bathers. Refer to the swimming pool cover guidelines for further information.
A4: State regulations do not prohibit the use of public swimming pools by children with diapers or other diaper dependent people. However, it is recommended that those who are diaper dependent not use public pools, as diapers, including swim diapers, are not 100% leak proof.
A5: Children under the age of 14 should not use a public pool without adult supervision. It is recommended that children of all ages be accompanied by an adult when using swimming pools.
A6: It is required that the free chlorine residual and pH of public swimming pools be checked daily, prior to opening, to ensure compliance with the minimum standards set forth in the California Code of Regulations. Cyanuric acid levels are to be checked a minimum of once per month. More frequent testing is strongly recommended. Daily records must be kept of all swimming pool tests and maintenance.
A7: The pool should be closed immediately. Remove the feces, super chlorinate the pool, and let the pumps run for at least one turnover. After at least one turnover the filters should be cleaned and the chemistry checked prior to reopening the pool. Refer to the guidelines for fecal accidents for more detailed information.
A8:Follow the same procedures for fecal accidents.